Working closely with our parents to teach specific strategies their children learn at OC Speech is so important to us. Take
a look at what OC Speech Parents have to say:
You feel a sense that the therapists are, for lack of a better word, very loving.

- Donny (Parent)
One thing I really enjoy about OC Speech Services is the fact that they include the families so much
- Anesa (Parent)
In a short time period my son has been able to apply his experience in his sessions at home, he's been able to show that confidence and the most important thing is - I can understand him
- Andrea (Parent)
Dear Elizabeth,
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to learn from and practice with your amazing team of professionals. I could not have imagined a better externship and truly feel that I will be a better clinician because of this experience. You have built not only a successful business, but a thriving, welcoming community of clinicians who provide unmatched services to kiddos, and a learning environment for students like myself. I am forever grateful and wish you all the best.
- Taylor H.
(Masters Student SLP/Externship Clinician)


Our OT team member, Hollie Fassnacht, has over 500 hundred hours of continuing education units and is Certified in the following:
Handwriting Without Tears
The Astronaut Training Program (A sound Activated Vestibular and Ocular coordination Program)
Beckman Oral Motor Intervention
S.O.S. Pediatric Feeding Intervention (Sequential Oral Sensory)
For more parent reviews, or to leave feedback, please visit our Yelp page.